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Silent Still Scrip, Reboot and Resume
Posted Today, 07:51 PM
Greetings,I'm a noob when it comes to batch files and scripts etc but can somewhat piece together what I need. Basic batch files I can easiliy do, however.
I created a batch file that will install about 7 applications.
Two of the applications require a reboot (Embassy Security Center (wave which needs to run as a domain uesr) and Single Sign On). 1 could use a reboot if needed.
My issue is that the 2 that require the reboot kind of kill each other off. Meaning if its pending the reboot the second app that requires the reboot never starts or starts but fails somewhere after starting. I moved all applications around and still have the same issue.
So here is my scenario. The laptop was just imaged, joined to the domain etc. The batch file will be used by the tech to update the image and install additional applications.
What I would like is for the batch file to install XX applications reboot and contine to the rest. This would meet the requirement of one app needing the reboot.
We dont use SCCM here so I can use a task in our imaging process.
The batch file needs to be run by a doman user preferably the initial tech usng run as admin to run it vs a service account. I guess I can move the program so that after the reboot the application that need to be insall can be install using a local admin or a non domain account.
I'm willing to try any step, ie. using the run once registry key, converting to powershell etc.
Thank you for your time
color 0A @echo off mode con:cols=90 lines=40 Echo. Echo. This utility will perform the following actions Echo. Echo. 1 Stop Windows Firewall to Prevent issues with Installation Echo. Echo. 2. Patch Link Client Upgrade and point to new Server Echo. Echo. 3. AMP Client Upgrade Echo. Echo. 4. Install Lync 2013 Echo. Echo. 5. Install WebSense (Blue Coat is no longer used) Echo. Echo. 6. Activate Windows and Office Echo. Echo. 7. Install WAVE and TDMRemoteConfig Echo. Echo. 8. Install Single Sign On Echo. Echo. 9. Install Cisco VPN and add the Profile Echo. Echo. Reboot to complete the instllation of the application that require it Echo. Echo. Echo. Once the above have completed the job will Auto Reboot the Workstaion Echo. Echo. Echo. Echo. Press A to Start Echo. Press B to Quit and exit Echo. Echo. Echo. set /p choice=Select your choise to Start= Echo. if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1% if '%choice%'=='A' goto Start_Job if '%choice%'=='B' goto Exit if '%choice%'=='a' goto Start_Job if '%choice%'=='b' goto Exit Echo. Echo. "%choice%" is not a valid (answer/command) Echo. Echo. Echo. :Exit Exit :Start_Job REM *************************************** REM *************************************** REM ******* P R E P W O R K REM *************************************** REM *************************************** REM The following folders are being created Echo. Echo. Echo. Setup Folder Created at Echo. C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup MD C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup ping -n 2>nul MD C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\WAVE-2-7 ping -n 2>nul MD C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\Lync-2013\ ping -n 2>nul MD C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\Cisco-VPN\ ping -n 2>nul REM Ths is where the SSO GD Logo will be copied later MD C:\ProgramData\GD-Logo ping -n 2>nul REM The following are being downloaded REM Copy Lumension Agent to local Machine Echo. XCOPY \\SERVER\InfrastructureSoftware\PatchLink\Win7-64Bit\LMAgentx64.msi C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\ /Q /Y ping -n 3>nul Echo. Lumension Was Downloaded Echo. REM Copy AMP Agent Re-instal to local machine XCOPY \\SERVER\InfrastructureSoftware\AMP\Windows_32_and_64_Bit_Version_11.5_Re-install.exe C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\ /Q /Y ping -n 3>nul Echo. AMP Was Downloaded Echo. REM Copy AMP Un-Install Agent to local Machine REM XCOPY \\SERVER\InfrastructureSoftware\AMP\Windows_32_and_64_Bit_Version_11.5_Un-install.exe C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\ /Q /Y REM ping -n 3>nul REM Copy AMP Install Agent to local Machine REM XCOPY \\SERVER\InfrastructureSoftware\AMP\Windows_32_and_64_Bit_Version_11.5_Install.exe C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\ /Q /Y REM ping -n 3>nul REM Copy Lync 2013 to Local Machine XCOPY \\SERVER\e$\Software\Microsoft\Lync2013_X86_Win7\*.* C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\Lync-2013\ /E/Q /Y ping -n 5>nul Echo. Lync Was Downloaded Echo. REM Copy WAVE to Local Machine XCOPY \\SERVER\GeneralSoftware\WAVE\WAVE_Embassy_Security_Center_2.7\64BIT_20101221_ESCTDM64_TDM_02.07.00.043b\*.* C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\WAVE-2-7\ /e /Q /Y ping -n 5>nul Echo. WAVE Was Downloaded Echo. REM Copy WebSense to Local Machine XCOPY \\SERVER\InfrastructureSoftware\WebSense_Remote_Filtering_Agent\Win_64Bit\WebsenseEndpoint_64bit.exe C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\ /Q /Y ping -n 3>nul Echo. WebSense Was Downloaded Echo. REM Copy TDMRemoteConfig to Local Machine XCOPY \\SERVER\ClientConfiguration\TDMremoteConfig64.msi C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\ /Q /Y ping -n 3>nul Echo. TDM Remote Config Was Downloaded Echo. REM Copy Single Sign On app and Logo XCOPY "\\SERVER\sso$\OneSign Agent\OneSignAgentx64.msi" C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\ /Q /Y ping -n 3>nul XCOPY "\\SERVER\sso$\GD-Logo.BMP" C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\ /Q /Y ping -n 3>nul Echo. Single Sign On and GD Logo were Downloaded REM Copy Cisco VPN and Profile XCOPY "\\SERVER\Cisco_VPN$\*.*" C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\Cisco-VPN\ /q /y Echo. Cisco VPN was Downloaded ping -n 3>nul REM *************************************** REM *************************************** REM ******* I N S T A L L REM *************************************** REM *************************************** REM Stop Windows Firewall Service sc stop MpsSvc ping -n 2>nul Echo. Windows Firewall Stopped Echo. REM Windows and Office Re-Activation REM Windows Activation REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\CONTROL\CLASS\{4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} /v UPPERFILTERS /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d PartMgr /f ping -n 2>nul cscript //b "c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs" /ipk OUR-KEY ping -n 2>nul cscript //b "c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs" /ato ping -n 2>nul Echo. REM Office Activation REM First modify registry to allow activation of Office REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\CONTROL\CLASS\{4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} /v UPPERFILTERS /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d PartMgr /f ping -n 2>nul cscript //b "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /inpkey:OUR-KEY ping -n 2>nul cscript //b "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\ospp.vbs" /act ping -n 2>nul Echo. Windows and Office were activated Echo. Echo. REM Patch Link Install Echo. Staring Patch Link clinet upgrade C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe /i "C:\Windows\Temp\Workstation_Setup\LMAgentx64.msi" /quiet /norestart SERVERIPADDRESS="OUR SERVER ping -n 15>nul Echo. Lumension was re-installed Echo. Echo. REM AMP Re-install Echo. Starting AMP clinet upgrade C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\Windows_32_and_64_Bit_Version_11.5_Re-install.exe ping -n 15>nul Echo. AMP was Re-installed Echo. Echo. REM Install WebSense Echo. Starting WebSene client Install C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\WebsenseEndpoint_64bit.exe /v"/quiet /norestart WSCONTEXT=OUR NUMBER" ping -n 15>nul Echo. WebSense was Installed Echo. Echo. REM Lync 2013 Install Echo. Starting Lync 2013 Install C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\Lync-2013\setup.exe /adminfile "C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\Lync-2013\Lync_2013_x86.MSP" /config "C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\Lync-2013\lync.ww\config.xml" ping -n 15>nul Echo. Lync 2013 was Installed Echo. Echo. REM INSTALL WAVE (Require Reboot) Echo. Starting WAVE Security Center Install C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\WAVE-2-7\installer.exe -silent -install ping -n 30>nul Echo. WAVE was Installed Echo. Echo. REM Install TDMRemoteConfig Echo. Starting TDMRemoteConfig Install C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe /i C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\TDMremoteConfig64.msi /QB /NORESTART ping -n 30>nul Echo. TDM Recmote Config was Installed Echo. Echo. REM Install Cisco VPN and Copy Profile Echo. Starting Cisco VPN Install C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe /I C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\Cisco-VPN\vpnclient_setup.MSI /QB /norestart ping -n 15>nul Echo. Cisco VPN was installed and Profile imported Echo. ECho. REM Install Single Sign On and copy Logo to folder ( Requires Reboot) Echo. Starting Single Sing On Install C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe /I C:\TEMP\SSO\OneSignAgentx64.msi IPTXPRIMSERVER="https://OUR-SERVER.com/sso/servlet/messagerouter" AGENTTYPE="1" /qn /NORESTART ping -n 15>nul Reg Add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WoW6432Node\SSOProvider\CoBranding /v LogoImage /t REG_SZ /d C:\ProgramData\Logo\Logo.BMP ping -n 15>nul XCOPY C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup\Logo.BMP C:\ProgramData\Logo\ /Q /Y SSO was installed, Logo Copied and registry modified Echo. Echo. REM *************************************** REM *************************************** REM ******* C L E A N U P REM *************************************** REM *************************************** REM Delete the downloaded applications Del RD C:\Windows\TEMP\Workstation_Setup /s /q shutdown /r /f /t 30
- Group: Members
- Posts: 1,744
- Joined: 13-January 06
Posted Today, 11:30 PM
There are lot of ways of doing this kind of install but unless, you want/need the tech to stay behind the computer when the install is processing, you could avoid the login thing using autologin feature with local admin account. Then i think the easiest way would to add a run item (yes run not runonce) in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" and set it to launch the local batch.The local batch would check (using "if exist") and set flag (using files) for each app install so resuming would work and you could insert reboot in the batch. The last action of the batch would be to remove itself from the registry run key and remove autologin(if used).
This post has been edited by allen2: Today, 11:31 PM
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